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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Film critics

Write your opinion of your favorite film about Jesus (or any Bible story). Tell us the name of the film and why it is your favorite.


Most of us have had occasions to read someone's death notice (obituary). The notice usually includes a summary of the person's family, accomplishments, cause of death,  survived by, memorial etc. Write an obituary for Jesus if the style of a modern obituary.

Group projects - good or bad?

Teachers are told that learning how to collaborate is one of the most valued skills wanted by the business and academic world. All of us have done group projects and it looks as though that is going to continue. What is the worst part of group projects? The best part? What has worked best for you - assigned groups, random groups, or being able to choose your friends? Explain.

Time of year

Sophomore year started with some high expectations and plans. Now reality has set in. What is the hardest part of this time of year?