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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why do teachers load on work before exams?

What is the point of teachers loading on homework and essays and assignments right before we have exams? i know they need to get their grades and tests done and all that but why not do that earlier in the year and give us time to get ready for our exams. Most of the stuff that they load on in the end isnt even part of our finals so they're just extra hassle and stress ontop of studying and all of that. I think teachers should give us a few days break to go over everything we need for the exams not what we need to do for the next quarter


Anonymous said...

To be honest the reason might be absent-mindedness or bad planning. At the same time, the behaviour of the students plays a role in it, too. If the students can get everything done in a good amount of time, as opposed to slowing the teacher down every day, it wouldn't happen. Teachers could take note of the speed at which their class produces work and decide how much work to give based on that. So I think it's a mix of things, and it would be a lot better if we had more time to study before exams, but it's up to the students.

Tim E. said...

I think that if possible the teachers wouldn't give you as much work before exams. However, they have to finish up their lessons and test you on the work. I agree with Khalil if they plan better and had the work done earlier it would be a lot easier. Also, I think that the teachers think that since you have learned the material before you don't need as much time to study, because you are only reviewing. I don't think that they should start their second semester work, though. Some teachers are having tests this week that are going towards the third quarter. I don't agree with this I think that they should save that until after the exams are done and the third quarter begins.