Just a reminder...

When you post here, remember that our blog is public and also remember the Acceptable Use Policy of our school. You may find a copy of it on the school website. This blog will be informative and interesting if everyone takes it seriously.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Do you think that the Eagles are going to do well in the playoffs?
( This is after the game with the Giants Sunday dec 19)
Even further, do you think they will have a shot at the Superbowl?
Or any other opinons


In your opinion should America help out other countries that are having problems? In contrast to that question, do you belive that we shouldnt be helping other countries and rather turn our full attention to the problems that exist within our own borders before hopping overseas? What do you think


In your opinion, which of the followging is worse; Having expectations that are too high, or having no expectations at all. This can obviously tie into the approaching season if one wanted it to, but also everday life in general. So what about your opinon?

God for a day

One of the main aspects of Bonner ( and Prendie) is the fact that we all acknoweldge the prescence of God. In doing so we are constantly reminded of his power and majesty. While debating over what he has done with all of that power; flip the question. What would you do if you were God for a day?

Honest question

When asked if we could recive a million $ 99% of us would say yes. Say if you did, what would you do with it. After all, the only reason we go to institutions of education is to learn skills that will land us jobs in the future to make money.What happens when the money is just throwin in your lap? Is there a point of for having a job after that. Im my opinon I would go crazy without doing something and always relaxing. Feedback?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

favorite online game

Whats everyone's favorite online game? Mine is tetris though i do enjoy kitten cannon from time to time. Snake is another game that I like to play but I have lost my touch as of late. If anyone has any fun games that aren't commonly known let me know so i can play them. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas thoughts

As we go through the Advent season, it is often hard for us to stay focused on the true meaning of the season. Familiar sayings like "Keep Christ in Christmas" and "Jesus is the reason for the season" are somewhat overused and overused and trite now and so are ineffective. What does help you to keep the holy

Friday, November 19, 2010

Crusin' Not Boozin'

On Tuesday, Nov. 16th, we had the annual Crusin' Not Boozin' assembly. In each assembly, speakers told their tragic stories and brought the message to us of how their mistakes affected them and their families. The stories at both assemblies were remarkable.

All of us have sat with speakers who survived from big errors like drinking, drugs, recklessness or big problems like eating diorders. Sometimes we don't even hear the speakers because we are so used to this kind of thing. But sometimes we do.

There really is no way to judge who is being helped by bringing these speakers to us. I hear with my adult ears. What do you hear with your younger ears? You know what I mean: does it help to listen to survivors?

Sunday, November 14, 2010


What impressed you the most about Mr. Gail's talk at our school? What will you remember from what you read on his website or what you heard at the assembly?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I love theology

about teachers

What is the nicest/best thing a teacher has ever done for you?

thinking about schools and teachers

By the time you have reached 10th grade, you have met a lot of teachers and many ways of teaching. Think about the "best teacher" you have ever had. Without naming names, please explain what that teacher did that helped you to learn. Can we use that method for our theology class?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A question from Evan

In the film, God (as the server "Al Mighty") talks to Joan and tries to help her understand why her husband says God told him to build an ark. God says, "If someone prays for patience, do think God gives them patience or opportunities to be patient? If someone prays for courage, does God give them courage, or give them opportunites to be courageous? And if a someone prays for a family to become closer, do you think God zaps them with loving feelings or gives them opportunities to become closer?" What  can you understand about the way God works from that conversation?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Speaking of the Bible...

... which is a collection of books, what is the most inspirational or memorable book you have ever read? Name the book and explain why you chose it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

To journal or not to journal

Journaling is a time honored way of reflecting and learning about yourself; recording events and ideas throughout your lifetime; and, for us here in 208, a time to establish and enjoy at least five quiet minutes each week. Please share your response to our classroom journaling time so far (e.g. why you like or not, if you would like to see it continue as is or change it in some way you can suggest).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Progress reports...

...are more than just checking comment and grade. For the thinking, caring student it is a time to answer honestly, "How am I doing with my effort - is it my best?" For anyone falling into old bad habits of laziness, it is way too early to give in to that. For anyone struggling to understand something, it is time to take the responsibilty to get help. For those who are doing well, look around to see how you can help someone and look to yourself to see how you can challenge yourself in school.

We've all heard this - my life is a gift from God; what I do with it is my gift to Him.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reflections on technology/theology

While the world of blogs and wikis is not unknown to most of us, actually using them in a useful and interesting manner might take some time. With the classes I have this school year, I hope to learn with my students about this type of sharing.

As long as we respect each other's attempts, this should be fun!

Thinking about the Chilean miners

With the rest of the world, I have been amazed at the story of the miners who were rescued from their underground prison of 69 days. It is not hard for each of us to imagine the feelings the miners went through and their feelings their families and their rescuers experienced.

One of the most interesting comments I have heard so far is from the miner who said, once he was on the surface again, "I have been with the devil. I have been with God. God won."

What can we learn from this?