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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Alittle Late but...

Friday, May 13, 2011, marked the 94th anniversary of the first apparition of the Blessed Mother to the three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal. It also marked the 30th anniversary of the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. On May 13, 1981, Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish mercenary, shot Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter's Square. Agca's reason for the assassination has never been exactly determined. He gave different reasons, including that he was working for the Bulgarian secret service. Pope John Paul II later claimed that the assassination had been foiled by the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima.

1 comment:

Montgomery K said...

This is a very interesting story John. Throughout my entire grade school life, I attended Our Lady of Fatima grade school and am still a member of the parish there. We looked at this celebration with importance because we attended this grade school, and usually if we could, have our May Procession close to this date. Never, though, in my years there had I heard about Pope John Paul II almost being assassinated on this feast day. We had heard how he went into jail and forgave this man face-to-face, a remarkable thing to do, but never reflected on him believing Our Lady of Fatima's intercession saved him. I wish I had known that story back in grade school.