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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Judgement Day?

Today, May 21, 2011, is supposably Judgement Day. The dead are going to rise from their graves from a massive earthquake around the world. The CDC is warning everyone about a possible "zombie" invasion. I don't believe today is the end of the world. The man who came up with the idea that the world ends May 21 is the same man who thought the world was ending in 1994. He was wrong about that date so he is most likely wrong about today too. The Bible clearly states that no one knows the date the world is going to end, only God. So trying to decide when the world ends goes against God. He wants us to live our lives and when the time comes, it comes. We can't figure out when it ends and we never will. This man has many followers. All of these people believe him because they want to believe that they know God's plan. No one knows God's plan; it is a complex plan that is too far confusing to figure out. All I plan to do is live today and wake up tomorrow.


Quinn said...

The Judgement Day that waas suppose to occur yesterday didn't happen obviously since I am able to write this post now. There is only suppose to be one Judgement day and that is like Nick said whenever God chooses to have it. God wants all of us to live each day as if the next day is really Judgement Day. Before yesterday many people were living lives of sin, but the ones who believed that May 20, 2011 was Judgement Day changed the way they lived. God wants us to change the way we live, but he wants us to change it on our own and not with the world about to end. We all must strive to live good and happy lives and a life without sin. If we do happen to sin just repent and God will forgive you.

Ervin B. said...

December 2012 is also a date that the world is supposed to end. According to the ancient Mayans, the world is going to end at this time because that is the last day onn their calender. Personally, I do not believe that this occur. I do not know the reason this date was chosen. God told us in the Bible that we will not know the day He will return. I believe the human race will survive through this and for thousands of more years.

JakeD. said...

There was a man at my church who was trying to convince the priests that the world was going to end. He was very distraught when it didn't. I don't understand why some people have to put their insecurities and fears onto other people, and have some people scare. People have been saying for years that the world is going to end, and that it will all be on a certain day. People should learn to put at ease the things they can't control, like the end of the world, and just relax and enjoy the time we have here.

Brandon Young said...

My view on the whole judgement day episode lies directly in faith. The Bible says that we won't know the day nor our that the World would come to an end. I look at that as a win win. If the world did end that World mean that God couldn't have existed because we would be dead and He said that we won't know when the world ends so we don't need to worry about going to Heaven or Hell. Since the world did end it just proved my Faith to be true. It doesn't matter what any of these crazy people have to say, all the answers you need are in the Bible.

B.Gaal said...

The judgement day theory doesn't phase me. The Bible says that we won't know the day nor of that the World would come to an end. I believe if we keep faith in God and pray he will take of us. Only time can tell when the end will happen. So we need to just live our lives the best we can and go on.

Matt Mac Neal said...

That is completely true. No one knows the end days except God himself. In the bible it says 1 day is a thousand years and a thousand years is 1 day. That is just saying that God's time is completly different from our time. when people say that world is going to end that is when you know they are just saying this stuff to make money or that are using an illeagle substance. All you need to do is prepare for the end times. Such as pray and help others. The only way know when the end times are near are to look for the signs in revelation. BE PREPARED!

Kevin H said...

I'm tired of all this judgement day stuff. There has been countless numbers of "judgement days" in our time. This past one was a complete lie and not a single thing came true. God is the only one who knows the last day on Earth so i don't understand why fanatics think they know. Not knowing when the world will end might make the world a better place. People will try to do good things on the reg to ensure a spot in heaven.