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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a big world.

There are billions of people living on this rock we live in. Among them, there are probably a bit over a 1000 that we are actually acquainted with. More than a tenth of that thousand are people you may see on a daily basis whether it's going to school, work, or having fun. More than half of those people are your friends who you would hang out with frequently and such. And when you reach the bottom of those who are most friendly with you and you see almost all the time are your family and close friends. But what about everyone else. Those other billions of people have no idea who you are, who your friends are, what you do daily, etc. The same goes for you. Think of all the cars that drive down those traffic filled roads. All have a different agenda, different reasons for doing whatever it is they are doing, and a different family and groups of friends and emotional ties and every single thing that you have except entirely different. This realization has made me dizzy in thinking about the vastness of the earth. It has brought a new sense of wonder and awe into my life.

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