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Monday, May 23, 2011

Ray Lewis' Inspiring Speach

Ray Lewis is respected among the whole NFL league. But while watching Sportscenter I was fortinute to see what his thoughts were on the NFL lockout, as most of you know is a big thing going around. Ray-Ray has always been an emotional character who spoke his mind but his thoughts about the lockout were inspiring even to the ESPN analists. He reminded me of God speaking through Jesus to spread the Good News and try to change people for the betterment of the world. My question is, do you think Ray Lewis is the "Jesus" of the NFL?


John Young said...

Ray Lewis shouldn't even be able to play in the NFL. He murder a man a couple years ago and is rewarded with the privilege of a National Sports Star. He should be in a state prison for years because that is what the man deserves. I don't care if hes a crazy athlete and a man of faith, he killed a man and should get what he deserves. letting him play is just another bad influence on the younger generation, basically telling them that if they are good enough at something they will never be punished.

Kevin H said...

I agree. I think Ray Lewis is respected as a football player but certainly not as a person. He has a long list of crimes that he has committed. His thoughts on the lockout were however right on the money. He said the lockout was all about egos which is true. I don't think he was trying to better the world though, he was probally trying to better his image.